令和6年度 留学生実地見学旅行を実施しました
新潟ふるさと村で昼食をとった後は加茂市の青海神社に移動しました。残念ながら雨でしたが、創建726年の歴史を感じることができました。日本人学生が留学生たちに参拝の作法を説明する姿やおみくじの内容を説明する姿が印象的でした。青海神社の後は、加茂市商店街の雁木通りを散策し、創業100年以上の青木飴屋の若が営むAMEYA AISUで美味しいアイスを頂きました。
・機械工学科3年生 アイナさん(マレーシアからの留学生)
とっても楽しかったです。AMEYA AISUで食べたほうじ茶アイスがとっても美味しかったです!
・電子制御工学科3年生 カウィさん(スリランカからの留学生)
・ナンヤンポリテクニックからの短期留学生 Shinさん
The excursion was very eye-opening and very fun, it was very interesting looking at the Tsubame
Industrial Museum and understanding the History of Niigata’s Industry as a whole when it comes to
Metal. The History of Niigata was very interesting and fun as well. The Shrine visit was very fun and I
really appreciate this experience. Finally, the Ice Cream to end was an amazing treat. Thank you
・ナンヤンポリテクニックからの短期留学生 Amosさん
Going to Niigata on a school trip was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. The first stop was at the
Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum, we designed our own tumbler cups, which was a fun, creative
activity. Afterwards was lunch, we had eaten ramen. The texture of the ramen was just nice to my
liking and the meat was extremely tender, and the broth had such a clean and flavorful taste that I
could not help myself devouring it. We then explored the area, taking in the stunning scenery and
capturing it in photos. The next visit was to a shrine, the shrine was breathtaking and serene, offering
more beautiful photo opportunities. The highlight, however, was sharing these moments with my
international friends, making memories I’ll treasure.
長岡工業高等専門学校 総務課専門職員(広報企画担当)
E-Mail koho@nagaoka-ct.ac.jp
TEL 0258-34-9317 FAX 0258-34-9700