Research Facilities
Information Research Center
The Information Research Center has servers for networking, as well as personal computers for education. The center aims to give computer literacy, guidance for network etiquette and programming to 1st and 2nd grade students. In addition, it is available for computer-aided education and research activities for other (3rd to 5th) grade students and students enrolled in Advanced Engineering Courses. AII students are registered to the e-mail system, and they can freely use the well-organized network connected to the Internet.
When the computer room is not being used for class, it is open for students to use to encourage them to study by themselves. Computersat our campus are hooked up to the SINET and the Internet via high-speed LAN. The resources on our servers can be accessed via LAN/WAN 24 hours a day.
Snow and Ice Research Center
Nagaoka National College of Technology is located in a region known for its heavy snowfall in the winter. Engineers in areas prone to heavy snowfalls need to know the special technology used for dealing with these conditions as they pertain to traffic, utilities (water and gas), electricity and buildings. Snow is considered to be a valuable natural resource, so it is Important to investigate productive ways to us it. NNCT places special emphasis on educating engineers for work in these regions. Various experiments are conducted in this field of study, using temperatures as low as -30。C
Regional Technology Research Center
The center was established in November,2002,to promote the cooperation between academia,
business,and government with the aim of contributing to the development of the regional community,together with the development of educational research. The main objectives of this center are :to conduct joint research combining regional enterprise and funded research,to offer experimental research facilities,technical consultation,joint hosting of research symposiums,coordination of regional administration and industry and the publication of technical research data. A wire electrical discharge machine,a laser processing machine and an SEM,among other machines,were installed in this center(RTRC). In addition to these machines,experimental test rigs,such as an ICP,XRD,and XRF were also installed.
The library contains a wide variety of materials, from specialized books to hobby magazines. it is possible to search for, borrow, and make copies of books from other universities by using the Network of Science Information Syslem. On the 1st floor, there are two reading rooms as well as a computer room,a group meeting room,and two book storage rooms, On the 2nd floor, over 77,000 books are readily available for use by the students. There are also reference books, dictionaries, magazines, tapes, videos and CD-ROMs. In addition to all this, there are computers for information searches, which are used extensively by students. Back-issues of magazines are available as well. There are over 130 study carrels and desks on bolh floors. The library is also open to the public.
Welfare Facilities (Senshin Kan)
“Senshin Kan” is for the general welfare and benefit of faculty, admisistrative staff and students. Rooms for student clubs and student assembly are also available. The cafeteria, which has 180 seats, and a convenience store are also in this building
Student Dormitories
AII of Ihe 1st and 2nd year students who cannot commute stay in the dormitories in principle. Other students (3rd to 5th) wishing to live in the dormitories can do so by premission. Students in the dormitories organize a dormitory association and maintain a self-governed group life. The capacity of the dormitories is 374 people. There are the “Koushi Ryo” for male students and “Seika Ryo” for female students.
Expense (annually) — YEAR 2016 —
Room Charge | Single Room (Monthly) | 800 yen |
Other (Monthly) | 700 yen | |
Maintenance Fee | 78,000 yen | |
Residence Fee | 4,200 yen | |
Cafeteria Fee (Monthly) | 32,414 yen |