Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering

Circuit design for ear acoustic authentication devices
(Graduation research, 5th grade)

Japanese industries today require engineers who are forward- thinking, proactive individuals, who are not merely people who simply imitate what already exists in mass production. The Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering
strives to educate students on how to develop innovative products for the future actively. For several years, a large number of industry-based companies, as well as those in the service sector, have regularly hired graduates from the National
Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College. These companies have consistently expressed their approval of our eff orts in training creative engineers.
The Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering Department comprises four major areas of study: (1) Information and communication Technology, (2) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), (3) Energy and Environment,
and (4) Materials and Devices. Students majoring in these areas start with the fundamentals. However, they are trained to deal with the practical applications of these fundamentals and their studies rather than simply gaining theoretical
In order to develop the students’ research skills, all fourth-year students work with an instructor in real-life research and development projects. In the Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering, the faculty staffs and students have actively tried to incorporate the outstanding parts of research outcome into the real world. The academic-industrial alliance group has recently realized the commercialization of ear acoustic authentication technology, and this is the world’s fi rst product that can identify the shape of the ear canal by only wearing an earbud-type recognition device.
